Outside the Box with Asendia USA Podcast
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"Outside the Box" is Asendia USA's podcast educating US-based e-tailers on international shipping topics and how they can expand their global e-commerce footprint. Launched in January 2024, "Outside the Box with Asendia USA" reaches listeners through major streaming platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts and Youtube, as well as through our direct streaming site – outsidethebox.asendiausa.com . Reaching listeners throughout the U.S., Europe, Asia and more, our podcast audience continues to grow with each episode.

Topics of discussion have included challenges of expanding into Canada, navigating the complicated costs of international shipping, nuances of shipping to key e-commerce markets like Canada, UK and Australia, international strategies for subscription box shippers and offering global returns to e-shoppers.

Conversation Points

Struggling with navigating international customs clearance?

Want to learn how to reduce your global shipping costs?

Need to improve your transit times for a better shopper experience?

Interested in learning about online shopper behavior in other countries?

Join the Conversation 

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